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Using the cell value in Name Manager formula as reference

I want to create a formula in Name Manager using the reference of other sheet. I have two sheet A1 and A2; in sheet A2 i have sample data. Using this sample data i want to create a list which will be used in sheet A1 depending on other Drop-down value. I want to create a name for formula:


But in this formula i want to change column number 10 and 12 with another cell (in same sheet A2) values. Like: =CELL("contents",E6) .

I have tried: =A2!$C$CELL("contents",E6):$C$CELL("contents",F6) But its not working.

How can i change the column numbers with other cell values?

Please, can you try to define a name using the following formula?


This will define a range which is one column wide ( C column), starts at row number found in cell E6 and end at row number found in cell F6 .

You can try this:


Please take note that you can, and maybe should, add sheet reference to cells E6 and F6.

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