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Node JS cannot find module error for file in another folder

If i have schema.js in the same folder as index.js doing something like

var schemas = require('./schema');

works fine, but if i put the schema.js in another folder and write

var schemas = require('./folder/schema');

i get an error Cannot find module whats happening?

Edit1 : I got rid of the error by using ..folder/schema instead of single. and the server runs but it still doesn't work properly as I cant use the mongoosedb object returned through module.export from ../model/schema in the index.js file. It says myModel.find is not a function. Whats going on??


var myModel = require('../models/schema');

var alluser;

myModel.find({}, function(err, foundData){   
        alluser = foundData;

    console.log(alluser); <-- this log is defined

    console.log(alluser); <-- this log is undefined

    module.exports = alluser; <-- cant export anything

Resolve path to schema.js correctly

Assuming your project structure like this

 +-- routers
 |  |  
 |  +-- index.js    
 +-- models
 |  |  
 |  +-- schema.js

//in index.js 
var schemas = require('../models/schema');

To solve second error ie myModel.find not a function use, module.exports instead of using module.export

module.exports = myModel;

Resolution to your 3rd Problem

// controllers/findallusers.js --> (keep name simple  i.e userController.js)
var myModel = require('../models/schema');

module.exports =  {

     * Get All Users
    list: function(req, res) {
       myModel.find({},function(err, users){
          if(err) {
              return res.status(500).json({message: 'Error getting Users.'});
         return res.json(users);
    * Keep Adding more functions as you want

   create: function(req,res){
       //functionality to create user

   delete: function(req,res){
      // functionality to delete user

   someDummyName: function(callback) {
       myModel.find({},function(err, users){
          if(err) {
            return callback(err)
         return callback(null,users);


// Solution to your question https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39504219/how-to-use-use-callbacks-or-promises-to-return-a-object-from-an-asynchronous-fun

//index.js call this new method i.e someDummyName as  
router.get('/allusers', function(req, res){       

      if(err) {
        //return err
      //process result as per your need


You are exporting a variable myModel from schema.js and importing just schema in index.js

So, try to reference the .find function using myModel.myModel.find() My guess is that the myModel variable is behind your existing myModel variable in index.js

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