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How to get a table or dataframe as a output in R shiny app using selectInput function?

I want to get a table output using selectInput function. I have to import(not upload) different csv files in place of object error1,2,3,4 but when I am doing this I am not getting proper output in mainPanel . Please help me in importing csv files in right place so that I could get table as an output in mainpanel.


ui <- shinyUI( fluidPage(
titlePanel(h3("PUMA", style = "color:black")),
    tags$style("body{backgroud-color: pink;}")),
  selectInput("mydata", "ERROR MESSAGE:",
              choices =   c("Clamping lever closing not detected-Error number 7 / 31"="error1",
                         "Filter paper wrong or not inserted-Error number 30 / 20"="error2", 

                         "Device is heating up (working temp. not reached yet) Heating Option-Error number 32 / 51"="error3",

                         "Door is open (Timeout key)-Error number 15 / 100"="error4")                 
  tabPanel(h2("TABLE", style = "color:red"), verbatimTextOutput ("mydata")),
  #tabPanel(h2("ERROR", style = "color:red"), verbatimTextOutput("ERROR")),
                       font-size: 17px;
                       font-style: bold
  width = 12)   

 server <- shinyServer(function(input, output){   

output$mydata <-renderPrint ({

  shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) 

Your render function actually returns the selected item as a string from your input and not the object itself. You can wrap all the objects in a list or use get :

Option 1

# put all objects in a list
mDat <- list(error1 = cars, error2 = airquality, error3 = chickwts, error4 = co2)

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output){
   output$mydata <- renderPrint ({

Option 2

# This assumes that you have the objects error1, ..., error4 in the environment

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output){
   output$mydata <- renderPrint ({

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