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How do I know which page from a Gtk.Notebook the user has clicked on?

I have a Gtk.Notebook that has a custom popup menu that is displayed when the user right clicks on any of the page buttons.

How can I know which notebook page the user clicked on? I want to add an action in my menu to make it the current page.

notebook.button_press_event.connect( (wid,evt) => {
    if ( evt.button==3 ) {
        // which page button did the user click on?
        notebook.set_current_page( «clicked no tab» );
        // ... make it the current page

I tried to find the tab by position:

int numtab = notebook.get_tab_at_pos((int)evt.x, (int)evt.y);

But there doesn't seem to be a get_tab_at_pos or similar method.

One solution might be to use a Gtk.EventBox as suggested here (PHP code):

$window = new GtkWindow();
$window->set_size_request(400, 240);
$window->connect_simple('destroy', array('Gtk','main_quit'));
$window->add($vbox = new GtkVBox());

// setup notebook
$notebook = new GtkNotebook(); // note 1

// add two tabs of GtkLabel
add_new_tab($notebook, new GtkLabel('Notebook 1'), 'Label #1');
add_new_tab($notebook, new GtkLabel('Notebook 2'), 'Label #2');

// add a thrid tab of GtkTextView
$buffer = new GtkTextBuffer();
$view = new GtkTextView();
add_new_tab($notebook, $view, 'TextView');


// add new tab
function add_new_tab($notebook, $widget, $tab_label) {
    $eventbox = new GtkEventBox();
    $label = new GtkLabel($tab_label);
    $eventbox->add($label); // note 2
    $label->show(); // note 3
    $eventbox->connect('button-press-event', 'on_tab', $tab_label); // note 4
    $notebook->append_page($widget, $eventbox); // note 5

// function that is called when user click on tab
function on_tab($widget, $event, $tab_label) {  // note 6
    echo "tab clicked = $tab_label\n";

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