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Fresh project symfony 3 - error 500

I install Symfony 3 on remote server - Ubuntu (not localhost, VPS), but when I visit in browser myexampleproject.com/project/web/app.php display white page. I checked in console firebug, there is HTTP error 500. I add chmod resursive 777 to logs and cache. I deleted cache.

Hmm. When I run command in putty to open address http://localhost:8000 with lynx, there is okey, symfony is runned correct.

So. How open and run symfony with browser? I tryied php bin/console server:start myexampleproject.com and in response is:

Remove the app.php from your URL:


Also, you should use the folder path "../projectweb" as part of DocumentRoot (if you are using Apache) instead; then you would instead use:


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