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Page has expired after postback event in IE11

I have a problem when i click a hyperlink to pop up a report; the main page will display 'The Page Has Expired'. It happens when i click a RadioButtonList and then click a button. The RadioButtonList has a postback function and the button will pop up a new window using javascript . Meanwhile, if i didn't click the RadioButtonList and only click the button and then click the hyperlink; it will not produce 'The Page Has Expired'. May i know what is the problem behind this and how i can solve this?

the javascript function when the button clicked:

function buttonClicked(event, object) {
    var variableA = "<%=variableA %>";
    var variableB = "<%=variableB %>";
    var variableC = "<%=variableC %>";
    window.open('../Common/RandomPage.aspx?variableA=' + variableA + '&variableB=' + variableB + '&variableC=' + variableC, '', ' height=500,width=850,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes');

the RadioButtonList in aspx:

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RadioButtonList" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"  OnSelectedIndexChanged="RadioButtonList_SelectedIndexChanged" >

the RadioButtonList function when RadioButton clicked(.cs):

protected void RadioButtonList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //hide/show some details;

I have found the problem. There's History.back() method in the code which basically function as clicking the 'Back Button' in the browser. Here is i solve my problem:

How to work History.back() in IE8 and above Versions

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