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Django-Haystack(elasticsearch) Autocomplete giving results for substring in search term

I have a search index with elasticsearch as backend:

class MySearchIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable): 
    name = indexes.CharField(model_attr='name') 
    name_auto = indexes.NgramField(model_attr='name')

Suppose I have following values in elasticsearch:


When I execute search for netw , it returned Magnet & Internet also along with Network . Using some other test cases I think haystack is searching for substring also, like net in netw as you see in above example.

Here is the code:

sqs = sqs.filter(category='cat_name').using(using)
queried = sqs.autocomplete(name_auto=q)

Also tried with:

queried = sqs.autocomplete(name_auto__contains=q)

How can I resolve this and make it working to return only those results that contains exact search term ?

Using django-haystack==2.4.1 Django==1.9.1 elasticsearch==1.9.0

Customize your elasticsearch backend settings with django-hesab

The default settings of django-hesab will return the exact search result.

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