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Adding “No data found” message on Kendo Autocomplete with AngularJS

I'm new to Kendo UI and I apologize if this is a simple question, but I am working on a site that has search functionality that uses AutoComplete to show possible results. But when there are no matches the list simply goes away, and I need there to be a message that says there are no more matches in place of that list.

I did not write the majority of this code, but all I can find associated with it is this in HTML:

input kendo-auto-complete style="width:100%" ng-model="vm.search" k- k-data-source="vm.searchList" />

I've checked the Kendo site and there seem to be options to help with my issue, but I don't know how to implement them with AngularJS involved.

Basically all options you can find on the KendoUI docs can be converted to be usable with AngularJS. ( Reference )

In your case the desired option is called noDataTemplate . To use this configuration in HTML you have to convert it from camelCase to be dash-seperated and prefix it with k- .

The result should look like this: k-no-data-template .

Complete sample in HTML:

<input kendo-auto-complete k-data-source="data" k-no-data-template="'No Data available!'" />

your can find the solution in this post:

Add new Item with AngularJS

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