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Inline quote in html 5 and accessibility

What is the recommended way to quote someone else in an HTML text? Especially if I'd like to make sure screen-readers will handle it properly?

  • Should I use double-quotes like this: "
  • Should I write " that will look like this: " ?
  • Should I use the <q></q> pair that apparently I cannot demo here?
  • Something else?

http://html5doctor.com/blockquote-q-cite/ has a bunch of explanation on how <q> works, but I did not see a recommendation.

For short inline quotations, use the <q></q> tag. Most browsers will insert quotation marks around the quotation, however if you are using a css reset the following may be required:

q:before, q:after {
    content: "&quot;"

For any longer quotations I would advise using the <blockquote></blockquote> tag in combination with the <cite></cite> tag, as follows:

    This text is from another source
        <a href="http://source-url.com">Source Title</a>

As per the HTML5 spec:

The blockquote element represents content that is quoted from another source, optionally with a citation which must be within a footer or cite element, and optionally with in-line changes such as annotations and abbreviations.

Source: https://w3c.github.io/html/grouping-content.html#the-blockquote-element

Avoid using inline quotation marks in conjunction with the <q></q> tag, however they can be used with the <blockquote></blockquote> tag. In either case it would be advisable to make some sort of graphical distinction (eg italics or a different background colour) between quotes from external sources and the page's original content.

TL;DR: use q for inline quotes, without marks, and blockquote for long snippets (with marks when it's not the only content inside the blockquote )

You have two options:

This element must not include the quotation punctuation

Quotation punctuation (such as quotation marks) that is quoting the contents of the element must not appear immediately before, after, or inside q elements; they will be inserted into the rendering by the user agent.

But you can use CSS to override the default values. For instance:

:lang(en) q:before {
  content: "&ldquo;";
:lang(en) q:after {
  content: "&rdquo;";

:lang(fr) q:before {
  content: "&laquo;";
:lang(fr) q:after {
  content: "&raquo;";

As you would see, this can differ per language


<p>Shakespeare said <q>To be or not to be</q> was a question
     but never said what the answer was.</p>

This element may include quotation marks:

Quotation marks may be used to delineate between quoted text and annotations within a blockquote.

Be careful with the <cite> element which is intented for reference a creative work or the name of its author. It does not contain a quote. Example

 <p>My favorite quote of Shakespeare is "To be or not to be ?"</p>
    — <cite class="title">The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</cite>
    by <cite class="author">William Shakespeare</cite>

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