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What is the equivalent in TFVC of git cherry-pick

我很抱歉我的问题,但我是TFS noob用户,git cherry-pick的TFVC(团队基础版本控制)中的等价物是什么?

There is one solution that has worked for me.

In TFVC, when you do a merge between 2 branches, there is a radio button where you can select to merge the whole branch or just a particular set of Changesets.

Follow the changeset option. 在此输入图像描述

First, create a patch for the changeset that you want to cherry-pick:

tf diff /version:C1234 /format:unified > cherry.patch

(Note: be careful about redirecting to a file from PowerShell. It wants to write UTF-16 files which many programs have a hard time coping with.)

Then apply the patch using patch :

patch -p0 < cherry.patch

There isn't, really. TFVC and Git are fundamentally different source control paradigms, and you shouldn't try to use them in the same fashion.

In TFVC, cherry picking is considered a bad practice, as are baseless merges (TFVC has hierarchical branches -- a baseless merge is merging between two branches that don't have a parent/child relationship). A merge should typically consist of all of the changes made to the branch, sequentially, up until a given point in time. Although you can merge individual changesets and skip changes you don't want to include, you can't merge multiple non-sequential changesets in one operation.

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