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Swift async method and return / completion block

I'm trying to create an async method in my project that takes some input parameters. If the parameters are correct it will then do some stuff and then call a completion block.

However, if the input parameters are not correct then it won't do the stuff (and so the completion block won't run and I'd have to call it myself).

Anyway, I'm wondering what the best approach would be for this...

I'm thinking I could have the method return a Status enum that includes what is wrong with the input and then also have the completion block.

The problem is that there could also be an error from the completion block. So maybe that should be a different Error type?

Something like this... (Using login as an example).

enum LoginRequestStatus {
    case missingEmail
    case missingPassword
    case requestingLogin

And then the error from the completion might be...

enum LoginError: Error {
    case noUserFound
    case invalidPassword
    case success

Then the function might look something like this...

func login(withEmail email: String, password: String, completion: (LoginError?) -> ()) -> LoginStatus {
    if email.isEmpty() {
        return LoginStatus.missingEmail
    if password.isEmpty() {
        return LoginStatus.missingPassword

    //make some async request here or something...

    //... if error...

    return LoginStatus.requestingLogin

Does that make sense? Is that Swifty (I hate that word but it portrays what I mean)? Is there a different way I could approach this altogether?


From my point of view it is possible to use throws to simplify interaction with method. I write small example. With this implementation it is quite easy not to miss error because of the exceptions . And clear response status will show if request is successful.

Throws errors:

enum LoginError: ErrorType {
    case missingEmail
    case missingPassword

Response status:

enum LoginRequestStatus {
    case noUserFound
    case invalidPassword
    case success

Function implementation:

func login(withEmail email: String, password: String) throws -> LoginRequestStatus {

    guard email.characters.count > 0 else{
        throw LoginError.missingEmail

    guard password.characters.count > 0 else{
        throw LoginError.missingPassword

    // do some request

    return LoginRequestStatus.success

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