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How Can I execute a PHP function inside a Script tag?

So I have as function for my css that looks like this

function include_css($css="") {

And in the header I use this to call it

<style type="text/css"><?php include_css('public.css'); ?></style>

I would like to do a similar function to call a javascript file to load in ckeditor

function include_javascript($js="") {

But this bit of code doesn't work

<script type="text/javascript"><?php include_javascript('ckeditor.js'); ?></script>

The tool bar doesn't show up when doing it this way. It will show up when I use the website.

<script src="//cdn.ckeditor.com/4.5.11/standard/ckeditor.js"></script>

Why doesn't this work the same way as the Style tag? Since this doesn't work is there a similar way to put PHP into a Script tag?

I put php code inside of script tags frequently for instance to set the initial value of a javascript variable. There is no particular issue with inserting php tags inside of a script tag.

Normally you would load javascript separately to speed page load like this:

<script src="/path-to_js/js-file.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

So something like this should work:

function include_javascript($js="") {
    if ($js)
        echo "<script src=\"/js-path/$js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";

If you are trying to embed the javascript code into your html what you are doing ought to work. I noticed that you are setting a default value for your parameter. Make sure that something is actually passed and that the file actually exists. If the result is


then one of these is most likely the problem.

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