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Remove back button text from inherited navigation bar Swift 3

I want to know if its possible to remove the navigation bar back button text from an inherited navigation bar. Presently my navigation bar shows "< ControllerName". I want to simply show the "<" back icon. I would also like to know how to show "< Back", and how to remove it completely.

I understand I could do this by adding a bar button item to the storyboard, however is there an easier way to do it?

Note, this code does not work:

self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title:"", style:.plain, target:nil, action:nil)

You better custom back button for this task.

but You also can do it in other ways. Ex: You have ViewController1 , and ViewController2 (You push ViewController2 from ViewController1 )


public class ViewController1: UIViewController {

    override public func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
        self.title = "viewcontroller1 title"



class ViewController2: UIViewController {

    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
        // get previous view controller and set title to "" or any things You want
        if let viewControllers = self.navigationController?.viewControllers {
            let previousVC: UIViewController? = viewControllers.count >= 2 ? viewControllers[viewControllers.count - 2] : nil; // get previous view
            previousVC?.title = "" // or previousVC?.title = "Back"



self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = true

Solution suggested by @Prashant will remove the back button from navigation bar. To remove the title, use following:

navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "", style: .plain, target: nil, action: nil)

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