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Need Hello world example for Tableau chart inside R shiny via javascript API

I'm experimenting to use tableau javascript api inside R shiny. I used shinyjs package to simplify the calls in shiny. The js involved comes from tableau's tutorial page.

After I clicked the 'Call Tableau Viz' button, nothing happened and the browser console shows Uncaught [object Object] error

(index):7504 Uncaught [object Object]VizImpl$Create @ (index):7504$tableauSoftware_Viz @ (index):4829initializeViz @ (index):8644shinyjs.init @ (index):34(anonymous function) @ (index):33_sendMessagesToHandlers @ shinyapp.js:515(anonymous function) @ shinyapp.js:626_sendMessagesToHandlers @ shinyapp.js:515dispatchMessage @ shinyapp.js:501c.onmessage @ shinyapp.js:114

This should be a very straight forward ones, however I do not know how to fix it.


jsCode <- "shinyjs.init = function(){initializeViz();}"

  ui = fluidPage(
    extendShinyjs(text = jsCode),
    actionButton('trigger','Call Tableau Viz'),
    tags$div(id = 'tableauViz')
  server = function(input, output) {
    observeEvent(input$trigger, {

You have a small misunderstanding of the shinyjs.init function. It gets called automatically. Calling js$init() will not work. If you place a alert("hello") call inside the shinyjs.init function, you'll see that it gets called when the app starts.

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