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iOS10 UNNotificationServiceExtension not called

Im implementing new iOS10 extension to use rich notifications. Im trying to test it on push notifications but is not working, I just receive a simple notification and is not going through the extension.

I did all that it's specified in the official sites and some other places:

  • I have my app up and running with push notifications and the right provisioning profile
  • I added a new target to my app, a Notification Service Extension
  • Implemented my own code (it doesn't matter really because is not even entering to the new class)
  • Also I had to set a provisioning profile for this extension, I just use one with a wildcard, I don't see any documentation specifying if the extension target has to enable push notifications capability, in that case I would need a specific provisioning for this one, at the moment I just use a wildcard prov, anyway it matches (it must match) the profile I use in the app target, and push notifications capability is enabled for the app target only.
  • I added UNNotificationExtensionCategory and NSExtensionPointIdentifier. Also Im sending the category as part of the push payload from the server.

As I said, I get the notification but never goes through the extension. I see how the OS tries to load the extension but then throws an error with no relevant description to identify the problem:

Dec 31 21:00:00 iPhone SpringBoard(libextension.dylib)[51] <Notice>: calling plugIn beginUsing:   
Dec 31 21:00:57 iPhone pkd[86] <Notice>: assigning plug-in com.test.app.NotificationWithAttachmentExtension(1.0) to plugin sandbox   
Dec 31 21:03:57 iPhone pkd[86] <Notice>: enabling pid=51 for plug-in com.test.app.NotificationWithAttachmentExtension(1.0) 38BB5FF1-2597-42E0-B950-169DBFA80573 /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/A8C47706-C0EC-4FB1-ABA7-0118372F6900/testapp.app/PlugIns/NotificationWithAttachmentExtension.appex   
Dec 31 21:00:53 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[51] <Notice>: plugin com.test.app.NotificationWithAttachmentExtension interrupted   
Dec 31 21:03:56 iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[51] <Notice>: Hub connection error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named com.test.app.NotificationWithAttachmentExtension" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named com.test.app.NotificationWithAttachmentExtension}   
Jun 29 13:33:36 iPhone SpringBoard(libextension.dylib)[51] <Notice>: PlugInKit error in beginUsing:   
Jun 17 23:33:04 iPhone SpringBoard(libextension.dylib)[51] <Notice>: killing invalid plugIn   
Dec 31 21:00:00 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[51] <Error>: Extension error whilst trying to modify push notification F502-9B36: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named com.test.app.NotificationWithAttachmentExtension" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named com.test.app.NotificationWithAttachmentExtension}   
Dec 31 21:00:00 iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[51] <Notice>: [com.test.app] Saving notification F502-9B36   
Dec 31 21:00:00 iPhone SpringBoard(libextension.dylib)[51] <Notice>: completed calling plugIn beginUsing: for pid: 0  

Relevant extension.plist:


What's wrong or missing?

What also might do the trick is check your deployment target for the extension. Mine was set at 10.2 while the device I was testing on was (still) using 10.1

After altering the deployment target to 10.0 the UNNotificationServiceExtension instance was called perfectly

And if you've done everything correctly, don't forget to attach it to the process.

After running the app that contains the extension:

  1. Set your breakpoint in the extension
  2. Select Debug / Attach to Process by PID or name
  3. Enter the name of the extension target
  4. Trigger the push notification

Finally I have this working correctly, and this is what I remember from this issue.

1) Do not use devices with iOS10 beta version, because one of the problems I had was because I was using a beta version.

2) only the app requres APNS entitlements, this is not required for the privisoning used for the extension.

3) I was using a provisioning profile matching the id of the extension (not wildcard), anyway I cannot confirm if it works fine or not with wildcard.

4) NSExtensionAttributes are not required , just use NSExtensionPointIdentifier and NSExtensionPrincipalClass for the extension .plist. Unless you are using your own layout

5) This is working even using iOS 9 token registration methods.

6) don't forget mutable-content value in the payload coming in the push notification, this is the only mandatory value you need from the server to go through the extension.

I think this covers all the problems I had

If you are using Firebase, then try changing the payload as:

   “aps” : {
      “category” : “SECRET”,
      “mutable_content” : true,
      “alert” : {
         “title” : “Secret Message!”,
         “body”  : “(Encrypted)”
   “ENCRYPTED_DATA” : “Salted__·öîQÊ$UDì_¶Ù∞è   Ω^¬%gq∞NÿÒQùw”

The mutable_content field maps to the mutable-content field on APNs. For more details, go through this link .

Came here the second time. The first time, this answer helped me, the second time, it didn't. After a lot of (internal) swearing I found out that I had somehow accidentally removed the extension from Embedded Binaries in my main app target. When I added the extension back, my extension would be called again.

So check this:

  1. Click on your app project to the left.
  2. Click on your main app target.
  3. Choose General.
  4. Under Embedded Binaries, make sure your extension is listed, if not, add it.


Swift 5 Easy way

 this is very easy way just do it like this


It seems like your plist is mixing 2 plists. There are 2 extensions in play:

  1. Notification Content Extension - responsible for displaying the content via a view controller
  2. Notification Service Extension - responsible for fetching content in the background before notification is displayed

Here is the plist for Notification Content Extension target:


Here is the plist for Notification Service Extension target:


You must set the deployment target to be the same on all your targets. I wonder why this is not done automatically by XCode :/ .. Apple loves to waste the developers' time smh...

After trying many of the possible fixes already given without success, it dawned on me that a framework had been mistakenly added to our extension target rather than the unit test target.

Removing the framework and targeting 10.2 allowed my extension to be called once again.

If you are curious as to which framework for whatever reason you can find it here: https://github.com/plu/JPSimulatorHacks

In my case it was what I forget to select NotificationServiceExtension in Scheme as particular app instead of "my application" where I try to use it. So I've been running "my app" and waited for breakpoints in code of another app (NotificationServiceExtension) and and that's why they never showed up. I tried every suggestions before that.

For anyone looking to just trigger a breakpoint in your app's notification extension, the process is pretty simple in Xcode 11.3:

  1. Select the scheme of the extension (not the parent app scheme).
  2. Select Edit Scheme .
  3. Select the Executable to be your parent app.
  4. Uncheck Debug executable . By unchecking this, you are informing Xcode to debug the extension instead of the parent app. This is key to getting Xcode to stop within the extension's breakpoints.
  5. Select Automatically under the Launch option.
  6. Run the scheme of the extension (not the parent app).
  7. Send your device a notification. Profit.

Unless some other stuff triggers Xcode's moodiness, the above settings should ensure that whenever you select and run the extension scheme, the breakpoints within the extension will be hit. You can go back and check Debug executable in step 4 if you want Xcode to stop at breakpoints within the parent app.

Pro-tip: Don't forget to add "mutable-content": 1 within the notification JSON payload, otherwise you will have a major sad (iOS won't invoke the extension without that key).

Here's a picture of my scheme editor dialog for the notification extension:


My issue was two fold. The first probably was that I had set the Info.plist property NSExtensionPrincipalClass to bundle.identifier.NotificationService instead of ProductModuleName.NotificationService . Module name is the default, but I had erroneously changed to the identifier when debugging some other things related to different schemes and different targets.

The second issue was that I tested by running the notification service target. For me it worked much better when running the app target. I saw some other people recommending to use the notification service target to enable debugging. But that works fine when running the app target as well. You'll have to attach the debugger to your notification service manually though.

The way I discovered the above was to create a new test project with minimal code. In hindsight I definitely recommend that approach instead of trying out all the different solutions found on stackoverflow etc

The public func didReceiveNotificationRequest(request: UNNotificationRequest, withContentHandler contentHandler: (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) method in UNNotificationServiceExtension has changed between swift versions.

Some of the online examples are not up to date.

Make sure the method you're overriding in your custom subclass of UNNotificationServiceExtension

I had:

func didReceive(request: UNNotificationRequest, withContentHandler contentHandler:(UNNotificationContent) -> Void)

which didn't work until i changed to:

func didReceiveNotificationRequest(request: UNNotificationRequest, withContentHandler contentHandler: (UNNotificationContent) -> Void)

Be sure that you have 'None' configuration set. Look at the screenshot. With other parameters didReceive doesn't work.


Other possibility is to check category name in plist file of UNNotificationContentExtension.

String value of "UNNotificationExtensionCategory" in plist and "category/click_action" of payload should be same.

After struggling with this I finally made this work for me by just changing 2 things.

  1. The bundleID of the NotificationServiceExtension target must be a different one. Preferred style com.companyname.appname.notificationservice(whatever). Setting the same bundleID of the app causes a failure in building to device.
  2. The main thing is the deployment target. I was double checking this with app's target but we must also check the deployment target of the newly created NotificationServiceExtenion's target which is by default the latest version. Set that to the minimum iOS version you would like to support but greater than ios 10.

Note: Make sure you have "mutable-content" : 1 in remote payload.

Hope this helps someone.

我目前正在 Xcode 12.3 和 Swift 5.2 上工作,当我将主项目目标和通知服务扩展目标从iOS 14.2 退回iOS 13.2 时,它起作用了!

The system executes your notification content app extension only when a remote notification's payload contains the following information:

  • The payload must include the mutable-content key with a value of 1 .

  • The payload must include an alert dictionary with title , subtitle , or body information.

Specifying the remote notification payload:

   “aps” : {
      “category” : “SECRET”,
      “mutable-content” : 1,
      “alert” : {
         “title” : “Secret Message!”,
         “body”  : “(Encrypted)”
   “ENCRYPTED_DATA” : “Salted__·öîQÊ$UDì_¶Ù∞è   Ω^¬%gq∞NÿÒQùw”

Thanks for all good suggestions, which helped me fixed my mismatch with deployment target and missing mutable-content. But for me I still had issues getting the NSE to be called. I found the solution in the source code from this blog, https://medium.com/gits-apps-insight/processing-notification-data-using-notification-service-extension-6a2b5ea2da17 . I was missing Embed App Extensions that copied the extension to my app. Why this was missing, I'm not sure, I have not seen this as a required step in the different tutorials I have read.

The Embed App Extension is just a "Copy File Phase" that has been renamed, as explained here https://stackoverflow.com/a/71031519/3080858


This tutorial was also very helpful setting up the different App Ids, App Groups, Profiles etc: https://blog.logrocket.com/implement-push-notifications-react-native-onesignal/

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