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How to run python scripts and do CMD in Dockerfile for the docker container

I have an image with a custom Dockerfile. When I start the container, I want to run CMD ["npm, "start"] but right before that, I need to run three scripts.

I've tried:

1)putting the python scripts followed by npm start in a .sh script, and running CMD ["script-location/script.sh"]

2) calling CMD ["script", "npm", "start"]

none of this is working, and after the python scripts run, the container shuts down instead of running npm start and listening at a port. Not sure how to fix this.

the bash script I have is:


echo starting to run runtime_properties...
python /var/first_script.py
echo finished runtime_properties

echo starting to run runtime_properties...
python /var/second_script.py
echo finished runtime_files

echo starting to run config-dns-props...
python /var/third_script.py
echo finishing config runtime files

echo starting to run npm start...
npm start

必须运行ENTRYPOINT ["script-path/script.sh"]

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