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Using LINQ with C# in MVC5

I am stuck on a problem I can't seem to solve. What I want to do is use a Sort lambda on a database by their last names.


public ActionResult Index()
        return View(m.EmployeeGetAll());


public IEnumerable<EmployeeBase> EmployeeGetAll()
        //use automapper to map objects, source to target
        return mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Employee>, IEnumerable<EmployeeBase>>(ds.Employees);

Database value:

    public string LastName { get; set; }

with the above methods it is fine to show a list of all the employees in the db, but where in my controller or methods do i use the lamda? I am basically stuck on if you make a method() in the manager.cs and use lambdas within it to return an object, how do you call this for the index view? As i want when the page loads for the last names to be sorted. Any help is appreciated.

I think you should sort in database level, like this:

    public IEnumerable<EmployeeBase> EmployeeGetAll()
      var all=ds.Employees.OrderBy(e=>e.LastName);
        //use automapper to map objects, source to target
     return mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Employee>, IEnumerable<EmployeeBase>>(all);

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