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PHP MVC url Not Found 404

I am getting a URL not found error in my MVC Php application . The .htacess file seems fine and apache is configured well because the other application runs well. Am hosting my mysql db on amazon.

here is my code snippet.


/** * */

 class LoginForm extends Controller {

public $model;

public function index() {

    //check if they are already logged in

    if (!isset($_SESSION['email'])) {

        require 'application/views/login/index.php';

    } else {
        //redirect to admin data
        header("Location:" . URL . "home");

public function login() {
    // get the post

    $this->model = $this->loadModel('login');
    if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['country'])) {
        //  echo "priv_".$_POST["country"];
        $validate = $this->model->validate($_POST['email'], MD5($_POST['password']), $_POST["country"], 1);

        if ($validate != 0) {

            // get  all the data
            $data = $this->model->getByID($_POST['email']);

              echo "<pre>";
              echo "</pre>";

            // set the session
            $_SESSION['email'] = $_POST['email'];

             * Privilege Sesssion settings Start

            $_SESSION["pnya"] = $data[0]['pnya'];

             * Privilege Session End
            header("Location:" . URL . "home");
        } else {
            header("Location:" . URL . "LoginForm");
    } else {
        // @todo reload login page page
        header("Location:" . URL . "LoginForm");
        // @todo wth appropriate errors
    // use php to check if its an email
    // if not set the errors
    // @todo use model to get dta a from staff and validate
    // @todo if it all succeeds then rdirect

public function logout() {
    // destroy the session

    // redirect to login page
    header("Location:" . URL . "LoginForm");




   Options -MultiViews
   RewriteEngine On
   Options -Indexes
   RewriteBase /MIS/ysw/

   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
   RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]


  ini_set("display_errors", 1);

  define('URL', '');

  define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql');
  define('DB_HOST', 'XXX');
  define('DB_NAME', 'amazon');
  define('DB_USER', 'xxxx');
  define('DB_PASS', 'ddddd');

I have spent close to 13hrs trying to figure out what I have not done right, but will be glad if informed

请检查mod_rewrite是否正常工作,您可以从这里获取帮助: https : //docs.bolt.cm/3.0/howto/making-sure-htaccess-works

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