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Call Aspx java script function from ascx code behind file

I have a JavaScript function in aspx page and this aspx page had several ascx control in it.

I need to call that JavaScript function from one of its ascx control code behind file. I tried below approach but it is not working as expected. Any suggestion please.

in aspx page:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function Disable() 
        // some code
        // return;

in ascx code behind file:

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.Page, Me.GetType(), "Script", "Disable();", True)

Can someone please let me know how to resolve this?

Try RegisterStartupScript instead of RegisterClientScriptBlock

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "Script", "Disable();", true);

RegisterClientScriptBlock writes the javascript content at the top of the HTML page content while RegisterStartupScript writes the content at the bottom. Chances are that your inline function 'Disable()` is below the code calling it, thus it does not found when fired.

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