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nodeclipse does not create express4 projects

My nodeclipse does not create express4 projects. I downloaded the latest node.js and installed on my ubuntu. Also downloaded latest nodeclipse. But, each time I create a new node.js express project, it will still create a structure of express3 based project.

What is new way to create projects with Express 4?

Nodeclipse just executes express just as you do from command line.

a. You can create new empty project, and run express4 executable.

b. Or configure Express Path in preference to point to new executable.

Take a look at sources https://github.com/Nodeclipse/nodeclipse-1/blob/master/org.nodeclipse.ui/src/org/nodeclipse/ui/wizards/ExpressProjectWizard.java#L199-L232

The express executable has been removed from the regular express package since v4, and has been moved to a separate package called express-generator .

If that package is installed, it will bring back the express executable which should enable Nodeclipse to create new Express projects again.

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