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selfwritten xml generator doesnt listen to the xml output

I have a page containing the following:

$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
// Set de format van het xml document
$xml->formatOutput = true;
$test = $xml->createElement('test');


I have written 2 functions.

1.) CreateMultipleElements()
2.) CreateTestXML()

CreateTestXML() function contains:
This function is meant to be adding something to the xml and it does:

public static function CreateTestXML(&xml){
    $objectArray = self::CreateMultipleElements(
                "Persoon" => null,
                "Paard" => "Wit"
            $parent = null, 
            $attributes = array(
                "Persoon" => array(
                    "Type" => "NPS"

Then we have the function who actually creates the nodes and the elements which is working properly:

public static function CreateMultipleElements(&$xml,$objectNameValue,$parent = null, $attributes = null){
        $xmlObjecten = array();
        foreach($objectNameValue as $objectName => $nodeValue){
            $object = $xml->createElement($objectName,$nodeValue);
                foreach($attributes[$objectName] as $key => $value){
            if($parent === null){
                $xmlObjecten[$objectName] = $xml->appendChild($object);
                $xmlObjecten[$objectName] = $parent->appendChild($object);
        return $xmlObjecten;

The xml output would look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persoon type="NPS"></persoon><paard>wit</paard>

So it seems like the generated part is ignoring the format output please help

Your XML is not valid: it cannot have multiple root nodes. You must only have one node (ie <test> ).

The behavior for multiple root nodes in a XML is certainly undefined, hence the "partially formatted output".

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