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HTML import angular2 app and pass parameter

I want to use webcomponents and HTML import to import an angular2 module into another webapplication which do not use angular2. I know HTML import is only natively supported in few browsers but i will use the polymer framework to pollify other browsers.

I can import the angular app but i'm unable to pass parameters to the angular app from my web app that imports the angular app. I'm trying this:

 <dom-module id="sale-stats"> <link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> <template> <!-- contains my angular app bundled js files --> <link rel="import" href="imports.html"> {{saleid}} <!-- this displays the saleid just to see that the parameter is passed to the webcomponent --> <app-root saleid='{{saleid}}'>Loading... </app-root> </template> <script> HTMLImports.whenReady(function () { Polymer({ is: 'sale-stats', properties: { saleid: { type: String, value: '0' } }, }); }); </script> </dom-module> <script src="/Scripts/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script> <link rel="import" href="http://localhost:9600/salestats/index.html" /> <sale-stats saleid="1234567"></sale-stats>

How do i pass parameters to my angular app when using the angular app as a webcomponent that is imported into another app? Or is it just completely wrong to try and import an angular app as an webcomponent?

In order to polyfill HTML Imports, you just have to include HTMLImports.js which is available in the webcomponents.js repository. You can install it with bower (or npm ):

bower install webcomponentsjs

Just include the polyfill before the <link> element:

<script src=".../bower_components/webcomponentsjs/HTMLImports.js"></script>

To wait for the imported file to be loaded, you can use the Promise, or instead wait for the standard onload event. For example:

<script src=".../bower_components/webcomponentsjs/HTMLImports.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="imports.html" onload="run( 1234567 )">

Inside the imported HTML file:

<!-- contains my angular app bundled js files -->
    function run ( id ) 
        var app = document.createElement( 'app-root' )
        app.setAttribute( 'saleid', id )
        document.body.appendChild( app )                

Notes: you can also place the onload callback function in the main document. Also, the import is synchronous on native implementation (Chrome and Opera); use async in <link> if you don't want to block the parsing.

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