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GD LIbrary on a Mac: "undefined function Intervention\Image\Gd\imagecreatefrompng()"

I am facing some issues with GD in a laravel project. My phpinfo says that GD is enabled but I get an "undefined function Intervention\\Image\\Gd\\imagecreatefrompng()" error.


I am facong the issues when I try to execute this:

public function update(Request $request, $id)

  //Show the image
  echo '<img src="'.$_POST['img_val'].'" />';

  //Get the base-64 string from data
  $filteredData=substr($_POST['img_val'], strpos($_POST['img_val'], ",")+1);

  //Decode the string

  //Save the image
  $storagepath = storage_path('app/images/users/' . Auth::user()->id);
  $imgoutput = File::put($storagepath.'/flyer2.png', $unencodedData);

  return view('backend.flyers.index')->withImgoutput($imgoutput);


It looks like your GD installation doesn't have support for PNG images. That should be listed along the GD section of your phpinfo() .

Which PHP version are you using?

From the documentation :

To enable support for png add --with-png-dir=DIR . Note, libpng requires the zlib library, therefore add --with-zlib-dir[=DIR] to your configure line. As of PHP 7.4.0, --with-png-dir and --with-zlib-dir have been removed. libpng and zlib are required .

There's a chance you need to install libpng and zlib on your system.

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