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How can I hide a style element in html

ANSWERED: Thaks to @Traktor53 and @PHPglue

My webpage has a textarea for entering html code and one for entering css. The result is displayed in a div.

<textarea id="c" placeholder="CSS code here..." rows="10" cols="50">
 //What the user enters here will become a new <style> tag

<div id="pane">
//This is where it will be displayed
<button type="button" onclick="handleToggle()">Toggle</button>

I'm trying to use a javascript function that will toggle a specific style element on an off. I want to either delete the style tag and its contents or make it so the contents aren't being displayed.

EDIT: Here is my javascript

function handleToggle(){

        var pane = document.getElementById('pane');
        var css = document.getElementById('c');

        var x = document.getElementById('cssStyle');


This is how the style is created

function handleLaunch(){
        var div = document.getElementById('pane');
        var css = document.getElementById('c');

        var style = document.createElement('style');
        style.id = "cssStyle"
        style.type = 'text/css';
        style.innerHTML = document.getElementById('c').value;

You could add a style element with an id, for example using

// create STYLE element in javascript
var se =document.createElement("STYLE");
se.id = "myCSS"; // for example
se.innerText = "textarea { background-color: yellow"; // for example

And later remove the style element using standard DOM manipulation:

// remove existing element
document.getElementById( "myCSS").remove();

Alternatively you could update the content of a STYLE element previously created using either javascript or <script> tags , as for example:

// change content of existing STYLE element:
document.getElementById( "myCSS").innerText = "textarea { background-color: blue";

Additional Information.

  1. ChildNode.remove is part of the DOM4 recommendation and not supported in IE. The older syntax is to remove a DOM element as a child of its parent: ChildNode.parentNode.removeChild( ChildNode);

  2. Although InnerText is widely supported and appears in the DOM living standard , it is not supported in current W3C DOM standards which use textContent instead.

visibility: hidden is CSS not HTML. HTML attributes are assigned using = , not : . Many times these attributes are the same as CSS or JavaScript properties, but that's not the case here.

function removeLastStyleTag(){
  var s = document.getElementsByTagName('style'), l = s.length;
    var n = s[l];
      n.parentNode.removeChild(n); l = 0;

If you want the HTML Element to be hidden try the following in the CSS

    display: none;

Edit :

Seems like addClass and removeClass are not working everywhere. With standard JavaScript this can be achieved with

 function handleToggle(){
     // get the element
     var element = document.getElementById('pane');

     // toggle


This will hide and show the element. It will not insert any code inside, if that's what you're looking for.

Hope this helps! If you have questions let me know

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