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How to set OIDC/OAuth bearer token in C# HttpClient when flowing client subject

As I understand it HttpClient has been designed to be created once and reused. I am using IdentityServer3 as an OIDC/OAuth server and the samples I have looked at create a HttpClient per request and set the bearer token using an extension method:

var client = new HttpClient();

SetBearerToken simply sets the default authorization header on a HttpClient:

client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = 
                new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);

I have a ASP.NET web application calling a ASP.NET Web API and I have configured them so that client identity flows to the API when a call is made, ie when configuring OpenId connect authentication I set:

OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions.ResponseType = "id_token token"

However, if the subject claim is passed in the token I can't now reuse the HttpClient (a request could have its authorization header overwritten before it is sent by another request for example).

If I want to reuse a HttpClient should I be setting the token into a HttpRequestMessage? If not what is the recommended pattern for handling this scenario?

You will definitely want to create your own HttpRequestMessage and use SendAsync . Unfortunately, you will not have the extension method for setting the bearer token, but it is the best way to handle the HttpClient.

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