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Error “Invalid tag” on renderToStaticMarkup

I am new to reactjs..

I am trying to render the component (jsx) using renderToStaticMarkup but I am getting the below error:


Invariant Violation: Invalid tag: <html data-reactroot="" data-reactid="1" data-re....

server.js (snippet)

var html = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(
        script({dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {__html:
            'var APP_PROP = ' + safeStringify(props) + ';'

      script({src: '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.3.0/react.min.js'}),
      script({src: '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.3.0/react-dom.min.js'}),
      script({src: '/bundle.js'})



            <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click Me!</button>

The React.createElement accepts either a single string that can be an HTML tag (div, li, custom html tag) or a ReactClass of your component.

So you can do the following

  // Declaring the component (a stateless component in this case)
  const MyComponent = ({ onClickHndlr, children }) => (
          <button onClick={onClickHndlr}>Click Me!</button>

  // Declaring my click function handler that I'll 
  // be passing it as a prop to the React.createElement method.
  const onClickHndlr = () => {}

        onClickHndlr: onClickHndlr 
      [ <li>first children</li>, <li>second children</li> ]


Please, notice that i'm passing in an argument of type ReactClass (the stateless component MyComponent ) to the renderToStaticMarkup method.

You could as well use some JSX as argument, as you would normally in a component's render() method, like so:

  <MyComponent onClickHndlr={onClickHndlr}>
    <li>first children</li>
    <li>second children</li>


Just keep in mind that JSX is (roughly) doing this conversion:

  • If the tag name is a string that maps to an HTML element, use the component class for that HTML element.
  • If the tag name is not an HTML element, assume it is a local variable name that points to a custom component class.
  • Attributes are converted into an object and passed as the second parameter.
  • Child elements are passed as the remaining parameters.

Extracted from React JS Tutorial and Guide to the Gotchas .

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