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Alamofire 4 multipart request upload progress

How should I track progress of my multipart upload request using Alamofire 4?

My encodingCompletion handler:

encodingCompletion: {
        encodingResult in
        switch encodingResult {
        case .success(let uploadRequest, _, _):
            uploadRequest.uploadProgress {
                p in
                print(p.completedUnitCount, p.totalUnitCount)
        case .failure( _):
            print("Failed to encode upload")

The error I get says:

Cannot call value of not-function type 'Progress'

Try this:

        multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
            multipartFormData.append(URL(string: "http://example.com/url1")!, withName: "one")
            multipartFormData.append(URL(string: "http://example.com/url2")!, withName: "two")
        to: "http://example.com/to",
        encodingCompletion: { encodingResult in
            switch encodingResult {
            case .success(let upload, _, _):
                upload.responseJSON { response in
                upload.uploadProgress { progress in

            case .failure(let encodingError):

You need to wrap the fractionCompleted , totalUnitCount and completedUnitCount with a cast to Int or Float (depending on what you need).

It works!

source: https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire/issues/1652#issuecomment-259020449

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