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Call node.js (nightmarejs) script in php

My problem is quiet straight, i'm beginning with nodejs/nightmarejs and i need to call this js script in my php script to retrieve the answer from it.

I'm using Wamp and my scripts are both in the same folder :


index.js :

var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var nightmare = Nightmare({ show: true })

  .type('form[action*="/search"] [name=p]', 'nightmare github')
  .click('form[action*="/search"] [type=submit]')
  .evaluate(function () {
    return document.querySelector('#main .searchCenterMiddle li a').href
  .then(function (result) {
  .catch(function (error) {
    console.error('Search failed:', error);

index.php :


    exec("index.js", $jsOutput);


I've seen in some other posts that if i use the exec() i should give the whole command line for it to run properly, something like :

exec("node index.js", $jsOutput);

I figured out i had to give the whole path to nodejs maybe? But i didn't find any way to retrieve the path to nodejs from my current folder. If anyone have any lights, it would be appreciated. Thanks a lot

To search for a file in Windows you can use where command:

    exec('where node', $nodePath);

    if ($nodePath && $nodePath[0]) {

        exec('"' . $nodePath[0] . '" index.js', $jsOutput);

    else {
        echo 'node not found.';

Under Linux you can you locate , which or find commands.

Well, i guess it's a common mistake. I forgot to reboot my computer after i installed node.js, and it's necessary to do it to apply the changes done in the windows environment variable, that way you can call to node in the commant prompt...

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