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Laravel search results Not Displaying Properly

I have a Form (Laravel 5.2) for a search. I only have one table and my data displays. If I search by a lastName I would like it to display everyone who has the last name. If I search by manufacturer I would like it to display all PCs made by that manufacturer. I am basically trying to make each column on the database searchable.

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          {{ Form::open(['method' => 'GET', 'url'=>'computers/search']) }}
          {{ Form::input('search', 'q', null, ['placeholder' => 'Search...']) }}
          {{ Form::close() }}
      <li><a href="http://inventory.app:8000/computers/create">Update Inventory</a></li>
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I am using Route Resource for my Routing. My route for my search is

Route::get('computers/search', 'InventoriesController@search');

My Search Controller is as follows

public function search()

            $search = \Request::get('search'); //<-- we use global request to get the param of URI

//            $search = Input::get('search');

            $inventories = Inventory::where('lastName','LIKE','%'.$search.'%')
               -> orwhere('firstName', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )
                -> orwhere('department', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )
                -> orwhere('building', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )
                -> orwhere('room', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )
                -> orwhere('manufacturer', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )
                -> orwhere('device', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )
                -> orwhere('model', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )
                -> orwhere('tag', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )
                -> orwhere('macAddress', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )
                -> orwhere('status', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )
                -> orwhere('comments', 'LIKE','%'.$search.'%' )

            return view('computers.search',compact('inventories'));

I have tried doing an orderBy('search') but that did not do anything. My table just displays but it does redirect to the search route because the URL changes For example http://inventory.app:8000/computers/search?q=Dell

As shown in your URL, the variable you're looking for is q , not search . So get that in your request instead:

$search = \Request::get('q');

Since what you're searching for is most likely not a column, don't use it in your get() call. Just get all columns, or just the ones you want




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