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Laravel count # of results from whereHas

I have the below relationship. User->hasMany(Posts) and User->belongsToMany(Following) . Now i want to retrieve the following. Get all the following users of a user that have a specific type of post . I have come so far

$writers = $user
            ->whereHas('posts' ,function($query){

Which is ok and returns only the Users that have at least 1 article type post. What i want here is to also in the response

    "id": 37,
    "name": "Telis Xrysos",
    "email": "txrysos@mail.com",
    "url": "",
    "personal_quote": "",
    "profile_image_url": "/assets/images/user-no-image.jpg",
    "private": "0",
    "posts": [
        "id": 238,
        "description": "This is Tony Montana #Tony #Montana",
        "source": "Tony Montana Quote",
        "image_url": null,
        "type": "article",
        "likes": 0,
        "comments": 0,
        "user_id": 37,
        "created_at": "2016-10-11 16:26:28"

To include a count of how many of his posts are articles. I could do a count afterwards at the posts attribute although that is just temporary and will be removed afterwards.

I have tried this but all i get is an extra attribute for each user articles_count = []

public function articlesCount()
        return $this->posts()->selectRaw('id, count(*) as aggregate')->where('type','article')->groupBy('id');

$writers = $user
            ->whereHas('posts' ,function($query){

i'm simply put a custom attribute in Eloquent

  protected $appends = ['ArticleCount'];
  public function getArticleCountAttribute(){
    return $this->posts->count();

don't forget the relationship too :

public function posts(){
   return $this->hasMany('app\posts','id_user','id');

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