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angular testing promise within a promise

I have code that works. But I have no idea how to test it. A FeeRule has many FeeParameters.

  .controller('RootCtrl', [
    function(FeeSuiteCrud, FeeSuite, FeeRule, FeeParameter, feeSuites, $scope, $q){

      $scope.feeSuite = feeSuites[0];

          $scope.feeRules = response;
                feeRule.parameter_name = response.name
                feeRule.parameter_type = response.parameter_type;

      function getFeeRules(){
        var feeCrud = new FeeSuiteCrud(FeeSuite, FeeRule);
        return feeCrud.get($scope.feeSuite.id);

      function getFeeParameters(feeRule){
        var feeCrud = new FeeSuiteCrud(FeeParameter);
        return feeCrud.get(feeRule.fee_parameter_id);

getFeeRules and getFeeParameters return promises from $http.get().

My test:

it("gets feeRules and their feeParameters", function(){
  var JSONResponse = {"master":[{"id":30,"fee_suite_id":8,"fee_parameter_id":2,"name":"Discover Fee","multiplier":0.045,"addend":0.0,"order":1,"created_at":"2016-09-27T10:12:26.000-05:00","updated_at":"2016-09-27T10:12:26.000-05:00"}]};

  var feeRule = new FeeRule({
      id: 30,
      name: 'Discover Fee',
      fee_suite_id: 8,
      fee_parameter_id: 2,
      multiplier: 0.045,
      addend: 0,
      order: 1

  var feeParameter = new FeeParameter({
    id: 2,
    fee_type_id: 1,
    name: "Discover subtotal",
    value: "discover",
    parameter_type: "currency"

  feeRule.parameter_name = feeParameter.name;
  feeRule.parameter_type = feeParameter.parameter_type;


  JSONResponse = {"id":2,"fee_type_id":1,"name":"Discover subtotal","value":"discover","parameter_type":"currency","created_at":"2016-09-27T10:12:25.000-05:00","updated_at":"2016-09-27T10:12:25.000-05:00"};



Doesn't seem the second promise gets resolved as I get the following error:

Expected [ FeeRule({ id: 30, name: 'Discover Fee', fee_suite_id: 8,     
fee_parameter_id: 2, multiplier: 0.045, addend: 0, order: 1 }) ] to equal [ 
FeeRule({ id: 30, name: 'Discover Fee', fee_suite_id: 8, fee_parameter_id: 2, 
multiplier: 0.045, addend: 0, order: 1, parameter_name: 'Discover subtotal', 
parameter_type: 'currency' }) ].

use it twice it will work


and instead of expect get use when('GET',URL)

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