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How to access exception thrown in failed Laravel queued Job

I'm using a Laravel 5.2 Job and queuing it. When it fails it fires the failed() method on the job:

class ConvertJob extends Job implements SelfHandling, ShouldQueue
    use InteractsWithQueue, DispatchesJobs;

    public function __construct()


    public function handle()
        // ... do stuff and fail ...

    public function failed()
        // ... what exception was thrown? ...

In the failed() method, how do I access the exception that was thrown when the Job failed?

I understand I can catch the Exception in handle() but I wanted to know if it's accessable in failed()

you can use this code :

public function failed(Exception $exception)
    // Send user notification of failure, etc...

but it is available from laravel 5.3. version. For older laravel versions you can use some not elegant solutions like @Capitan Hypertext suggested.

This should work

public function handle()
    // ... do stuff
    $bird = new Bird();

    try {
        $bird->is('the word');
    catch(Exception $e) {
        // bird is clearly not the word

public function failed($exception)
    // etc...

I'm assuming you made the failed method? If that's a thing in Laravel, this is the first I've seen of it.

you can try something like this

 * failed
 * @param  mixed $throwable
 * @return void
public function failed(Throwable $throwable){



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