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Mongoose query returns no values

I'm currently creating a MEAN application to allow a user to create a football team from a list of ownedPlayers. Currently however when I attempt to make a http.get call to the ownedPlayers collection in MongoDB it always returns an empty array.

My mongoose model for OwnedPlayers is as follows.

var OwnedPlayers = mongoose.model('OwnedPlayers', {
    userid: String,
    playerid: String,
    position: String

The endpoint and query is as follows.

app.get('/api/ownedPlayers', function (req, res) {
    console.log('userid used in request', req.query.userid)
    console.log('position used in request', req.query.position)

        userid: req.query.userid, position: req.query.position
    }, function (err, owned)
        if (err)

I can confirm that the values in req.query.userid and req.query.position do match a single record in my ownedPlayers collection. This can be seen by my nodejs output below.

App listening on port 8080
GET /api/teams/57f50267418cb72fd020196a 304 31.936 ms - -
userid used in request 57f50267418cb72fd020196a
position used in request goal
owned []
GET /api/ownedPlayers?userid=57f50267418cb72fd020196a&position=goal 304 32.903 ms - -

I can also confirm that the key names are correct as userid and position.

The document I would expect to be returned when userid = 57f50267418cb72fd020196a and position = position= goal is as follows.


Any help would be much appreciated as I'm very new to mongodb and mean applications.

Thanks in advance.

The problem was that since I was using an collection with documents which weren't created via mongoose it wasn't finding the collection correctly.

By passing in the collection name as a third parameter when creating my models this explicitly sets the collection name and points mongoose in the right direction.

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