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How To use Database as a variable with blade template in laravel?

i'm new in laravel, i have some problem to make database as variable to be shown on blade template, example i want to get any data from database :

{{$get = DB::table('perangkat')->get()}}


@foreach ($get as $got)

if the result of the $got->jabatan is kepala , But i want the result is Change To "Kepala Desa" , How can i do ?? Please Help Mee ...

Write database related stuff in model or controller in a method and pass that value to view. It will be very neat and clear

public function getData(){

    $get = DB::table('perangkat')->get();

    return view('myblade', ['data' => $get]);

In your view

@foreach ($data as $got)
   {{$got->jabatan}} Desa

Also can you update where you get Desa .so i can update answer according to that.

Updated you keep different roles in array and do some think like this

    $role=['a'=>'operator','b'=>'admin'] ; ?>

      @foreach ($data as $got)
  <?php  $result = isset($role[$got->jabatan]) ? $role[$got->jabatan] : null; ?>


function showdata{
$sql= "this syntax sql";

//show data
$company = new company();
@foreach ($company->showdata() as $got)

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