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xcode shows the error Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:

When i run a unity game in xcode i got the following error

"UnityPause(bool)", referenced from:
  -[EtceteraManager showViewControllerModallyInWrapper:] in    EtceteraManager.o
  -[EtceteraManager dismissWrappedController] in EtceteraManager.o
  -[EtceteraManager showAlertWithTitle:message:buttons:] in EtceteraManager.o
  -[EtceteraManager showPromptWithTitle:message:placeHolder:autocorrect:] in EtceteraManager.o
  -[EtceteraManager showPromptWithTitle:message:placeHolder1:placeHolder2:autocorrect:] in  EtceteraManager.o
  -[EtceteraManager showWebControllerWithUrl:showingControls:] in  EtceteraManager.o
  -[EtceteraManager popoverControllerDidDismissPopover:] in      EtceteraManager.o

ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) How can i solve this error?

Please check whether library containing EtceteraManager class is linked with your project. If yes then check for architecture of library using file command on terminal.


The architecture should be same as on project's architecture settings.

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