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Magento2 Admin 404

When I am trying to access the admin panel I am getting error 404 not found, I checked through many solutions available in internet for this problem but nothing works. When I try to access admin panel


It's Hard to find why its happen without seeing your installation process. But this may help you:

  1. You can reinstall your project
  2. By mistake you forget your admin URL; You can see/change admin URL from

    app/etc/env.php at line no 5.

     return array ( 'backend' => array ( 'frontName' => 'admin_q76xvk', ), 
  3. Clean cache/reindexing and delete var/cache , var/page_cache folder.

  4. Make change in .htaccess (Just copy this file pub/.htaccess to magento root folder)

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