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Angularjs search product by price (from price to price)

I'm trying to add filter for searching the product by from price to price . I have following array in json format as $scope.products in the controller.


And below is the loop in html

<ul class="items">
  <li ng-repeat="product in products | filter:{product_name: findname} | sizeFilter:(size_arr|filter:{on:true})" >
    <strong>{{product.product_name | CapsFirst}}</strong> 

In the view I want to add two input fields for searching the products by price.

<input type="number" ng-model="from_price" /> 
<input type="number" ng-model="to_price" /> 

Can anyone guide me that I can develop in proper way. I've searched about it but couldn't found a tutorial, I'm not expertise in angularjs. Thank You...

Here's an example on plunkr of what you've been asking for. I have added a product name in order to distinguish them, try it.


app.filter('sizeFilter', [function() {
    return function(values, config) {
      if (config.enabled) {
        var filterResult = [];
        angular.forEach(values, function(value) {
          if (value.product_price >= config.from_price && value.product_price <= config.to_price) {
        return filterResult;
      return values;


 <li ng-repeat="product in products |rangePrice:

In JavaScript

app.filter('rangePrice', function() {
    return function( items, rangePrice ) {
        var filteredValue= [];
        var toPrice= parseInt(rangePrice.toPrice);
        var fromPrice= parseInt(rangePrice.fromPrice);
        angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
            if( item.product_price>= toPrice&& item.product_price<= toPrice) {
        return filteredValue;

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