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Change default page from index.php to index.html

Simple as the question. I want to change my website's default page from index.php to index.html . I don't know if my server (000webhost.com, while website is under development) uses Apache, but I've changed the .htaccess file, and added DirectoryIndex index.html index.php . Still not working, though.

When the website loads, it loads randomwebsitename12345.com. If I add /index.html to the string, then the page loads fine, as it should. If I remove the .php file from my server, then the website loads index.html.

Any ideas?


You can use the following rewrite rule to set index.html as your homepage :

Add this before other rules in your htaccess :

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^$ /index.html [L]

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