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How to use into out file query in Amazon RDS

I am trying to import a CSV from a database. My query was working great with my localhost. Now I'm using Amazon RDS Server and it's not working; is there any way to grant file permission in Amazon RDS user privilege?

My current query is this :

$path = getcwd() . '/uploads/data.csv' ;
    $sql = "SELECT 'Name', 'Email', 'Type of inquiry' , 'Message'
            UNION ALL
            SELECT `engine4_mytable_contacts`.name ,
            FROM engine4_mytable_contacts WHERE contact_date >= '$prevDate' into outfile '$path' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','   ENCLOSED BY '\"'  LINES TERMINATED BY '\n\r'";

$result = $connection->prepare($sql);

How can I alternatively run this query using PHP?

I have found the only solution to do this using php is like this:

$sql = "SELECT `engine4_mytbl_contacts`.name ,
        FROM engine4_mytbl_contacts WHERE contact_date >= '$prevDate'";

        $result = $db->prepare($sql);
        $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
        $file = fopen($path, "w"); // this will open the file and erase all datas
        foreach($rows as $val){
            $array = array($val->name,$val->email,$val->topic,$val->feed_back);

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