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count constraint not working laravel eloquent nested relations

I'm trying to put count constraint on laravel eloquent nested relations, but it's not working as expected.

Here scenario is :fetch Hotels those have rooms which are available in date range

$hotels = Hotel::where('destination_id', $destinationId) - > with(['rooms' = > function ($query) use($totalNights, $check_in, $check_out) {
        $query - > with([
                        'dateWisePricing' = > function ($dateWisePricing) use($check_in, $check_out) {
                $dateWisePricing - > where('date', '>=', $check_in);
                $dateWisePricing - > where('date', '<', $check_out);
                $dateWisePricing - > orderBy('date');
        $query - > has('dateWisePricing', '>=', $totalNights);
                  ]) - > has('rooms.dateWisePricing') - > get();

here it's returning the rooms which are not avuable in date range ( ie dateWisepricing im empty collection)

any help please

It's better to use whereHas instead of only querying the with method. But the best option is to query it out with joins like this:

$hotels = Hotel::select('hotels.*')
    ->with(['rooms.dateWisePricing' => function ($dateWisePricing) {
        $dateWisePricing - > orderBy('date');
    ->join('rooms', 'rooms.hotel_id', '=', 'hotels.id')
    ->join('date_wise_pricings', 'date_wise_pricings.id', '=', 'rooms.date_wise_pricing_id')
    ->where('date_wise_pricings.date', '>=', $check_in)
    ->where('date_wise_pricings.date', '<', $check_out)
    ->where('destination_id', $destinationId)

This approach will query out all not available record.


Metion that I use: hotels , rooms and date_wise_pricings table names but in fact I dont know how you call them.

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