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Access forbidden on xampp server - localhost

I am totally confused with my problem. It is not the new one but I can not find the right combination of words and tags for my config - files, because some of the solutions from the same questions here are not working.

I am trying to open the site, which is locally hosted by xampp server from my phone. The address I am using is : ip:8080/blog.dev:8080 and I am getting 403 - error.

My conf - files:

  1. httpd-vhosts.conf

     <VirtualHost *:8080> DocumentRoot "D:/PHP/xampp/htdocs/blog/public" ServerName blog.dev <Directory "D:/PHP/xampp/htdocs/blog/public"> Order Deny,Allow Allow from all Require all granted </Directory> </VirtualHost> 
  2. httpd.conf

     DocumentRoot "D:/PHP/XAMPP/htdocs" <Directory "D:/PHP/XAMPP/htdocs"> Order allow,deny Allow from all Require all granted </Directory> 

I tried to add "Options Indexes FollowSymLinks"but that's not help

Following your logs and the provided link, I'd say that the second port number is "too much".

Try access your website through http://blog.dev:8080/ .

Hope it helps.


If the ip is, you have to replace the    blog.dev

with that ip in your host file :    blog.dev

And then, access it through http://blog.dev/ .

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