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FullCalendar can't figure out correct moment.js format

I'm trying to setup a schedule system in full calendar. With my current code when you click on a day in the calendar it brings up a modal that displays the day and the time you clicked on. This modal then allows you to add events to the calendar based on that day and time.

What I want is to for the app to only pass the day on click and pass the time through the modal.

If i format the date to ("HH:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD" ) I can pass in the correct date and all is well. The only thing is I do not want the YYYY-MM-DD portion showing up in my modal. If i trim it to just ("HH:mm:ss" ) It updates the calendar but updates that specific time for every day in the calendar indefinitely.

How can i only show the time in the modal box while still passing the year, month and day to the calendar?

My code is

let isPast = ( date ) => {
  let today = moment().format();
  return moment( today ).isAfter( date );

Template.events.onCreated( () => {
  let template = Template.instance();
  template.subscribe( 'events' );

Template.events.onRendered( () => {
  $( '#events-calendar' ).fullCalendar({
     header: {
        center: 'month,agendaWeek' 

    events( start, end, timezone, callback ) {
      let data = Events.find().fetch().map( ( event ) => {
        event.editable = !isPast( event.start );
        return event;

      if ( data ) {
        callback( data );
    eventRender( event, element ) {
      element.find( '.fc-content' ).html(
        `<h4>${ event.title }</h4>
         <p class="guest-count">${ event.guests } Guests</p>
         <p class="type-${ event.type }">#${ event.type }</p>
      eventDrop( event, delta, revert ) {
      let date = event.start.format();
      if ( !isPast( date ) ) {
        let update = {
          _id: event._id,
          start: date,
          end: date

        Meteor.call( 'editEvent', update, ( error ) => {
          if ( error ) {
            Bert.alert( error.reason, 'danger' );
      } else {
        Bert.alert( 'Sorry, you can\'t move items to the past!', 'danger' );
       dayClick( date ) {
      Session.set( 'eventModal', { type: 'add', date: date.format("HH:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD" ) } ); 
      $( '#add-edit-event-modal' ).modal( 'show' );
    eventClick( event ) {
      Session.set( 'eventModal', { type: 'edit', event: event._id } );
      $( '#add-edit-event-modal' ).modal( 'show' );
Tracker.autorun( () => {
    $( '#events-calendar' ).fullCalendar( 'refetchEvents' );


let closeModal = () => {
  $( '#add-edit-event-modal' ).modal( 'hide' );
  $( '.modal-backdrop' ).fadeOut();

  modalType( type ) {
    let eventModal = Session.get( 'eventModal' );
    if ( eventModal ) {
      return eventModal.type === type;
  modalLabel() {
    let eventModal = Session.get( 'eventModal' );

    if ( eventModal ) {
      return {
        button: eventModal.type === 'edit' ? 'Edit' : 'Add',
        label: eventModal.type === 'edit' ? 'Edit' : 'Add an'
  selected( v1, v2 ) {
    return v1 === v2;
  event() {
    let eventModal = Session.get( 'eventModal' );

    if ( eventModal ) {
      return eventModal.type === 'edit' ? Events.findOne( eventModal.event ) : {
        start: eventModal.date,
        end: eventModal.date

  'submit form' ( event, template ) {

    let eventModal = Session.get( 'eventModal' ),
        submitType = eventModal.type === 'edit' ? 'editEvent' : 'addEvent',
        eventItem  = {
          title: template.find( '[name="title"]' ).value,
          start: template.find( '[name="start"]' ).value,
          end: template.find( '[name="end"]' ).value,
          type: template.find( '[name="type"] option:selected' ).value,
          guests: parseInt( template.find( '[name="guests"]' ).value, 10 )

    if ( submitType === 'editEvent' ) {
      eventItem._id   = eventModal.event;

    Meteor.call( submitType, eventItem, ( error ) => {
      if ( error ) {
        Bert.alert( error.reason, 'danger' );
      } else {
        Bert.alert( `Event ${ eventModal.type }ed!`, 'success' );
   'click .delete-event' ( event, template ) {
    let eventModal = Session.get( 'eventModal' );
    if ( confirm( 'Are you sure? This is permanent.' ) ) {
      Meteor.call( 'removeEvent', eventModal.event, ( error ) => {
        if ( error ) {
          Bert.alert( error.reason, 'danger' );
        } else {
          Bert.alert( 'Event deleted!', 'success' );

Image of app

I separate out the date and time into two moments like this:

this.dayClick = function(when) {
    this.event.selectedTime = when;
    this.event.selectedDate = when.clone();

And then use a datepicker for one, and a timepicker for the other. When saving to the database I need to mash them together for a date/time

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