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UIWebView VS WKWebView to load local html

i create a html string with 500 p tag with timestamp in it

i use UIWebView and WKWebView loadHTMLString:baseURL: to load it,and wkWebView is slower about 50% than UIWebVIew . why?


WKWebView is faster for displaying html from Strings. However, there is a bug that makes UIWebView faster by default, which is the phone number detection.

Running a viewController with the following code, webView being respectively a UIWebView and WKWebView instance and keeping everything else identical I found WKWebView to take up to 2 seconds to load, while UIWebView loads almost instantly.

webView.loadHTMLString(HtmlStringInstance, baseURL: nil)

I'm by far not the only one to find this:

However, the solution is easy: Disable phone number detection for WKWebView and poof. There you go.

For me, creating static variable to avoid creating WKWebView multiple times worked. Objective-C example:

- (WKWebView *)webHeaderView
    static WKWebView *_webHeaderView = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;

    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        if (!_webHeaderView)
            WKWebViewConfiguration *configuration = [[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init];
            _webHeaderView = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero configuration:configuration];

    return _webHeaderView;

WKWebView rendering performance is noticeable in WebGL games and something that runs complex JavaScript algorithms which UIWebView lacks.

You check the performance both in the Github .

To make WKWebView faster, disabling WKWebView's data detectors worked for me. Swift version:

let webViewCofig = WKWebViewConfiguration()
webViewCofig.dataDetectorTypes = []
webView = WKWebView(frame: view.frame, configuration: webViewCofig)

To enable specific data detector, pass the specific type as .address,.link etc while setting dataDetectorTypes:

config.dataDetectorTypes = [.address]

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