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How to send x number of email using phpMailer?

I have a job site (in CI) and there can be x number of jobseekers.What i have to do is send revalent jobs according to users job category and location.So there is different message for different jobseeker. i am using phpMailer to send email for now i have done

$subject = 'Revalent Jobs For Your Profile';
foreach ($job_receiving_users as $job_receiving_user){
      $time = time() + 10;
      while( time() < $time){
       // do nothing, just wait for 10 seconds to elapse

(There is phpMailer email sending method inside library send_email)

There is limit of 200 email per hour from server or can extend it to 500. What i want to know is this good way to send email? if i keep 10secod gap between every email will it keep my server busy.All sql actions were done above this code and $job_receiving_users is array of user email,message and username extracted above.

Base your code on the mailing list example provided with PHPMailer

What you're doing in your loop is called "busy waiting"; don't do it. PHP has several sleep functions ; use them instead. For example:

$sendrate = 200; //Messages per hour
$delay = 1 / ($sendrate / 3600) * 1000000; //Microseconds per message
foreach ($job_receiving_users as $job_receiving_user) {

This will cause it to send a message every 18 seconds (200/hour), and the use of the sleep function will mean it consumes almost no CPU while it's waiting.

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