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How to select some columns only in Laravel relationship?

I have the following database structure:

  • user

    • id
    • name
  • post

    • id
    • user_id
    • title
    • content

So I creating the relationship function in my model:

class User extends Model {
   public function post()
      return $this->hasMany(Post::class);

If I execute $user->post will returning complete post objects.

How to can I get only posts ID?

You can either do it like this

$user = User::with(['post' => function ($q) {
        }])->where('id', $id)->first();

or you can set select on you relationship

public function post()
      return $this->hasMany(Post::class)->select(['id','user_id']);

You need at least user_id to make it work.

public function post() {
    return $this->hasMany(Post::class)->select(['id', 'user_id']);

If you don't want to show it for a particular case; try:

$user->post->each(function($post) {

That way you can get rid of the user_id too.

To get just a list of ids instead of eloquent models I would go with query builder.

    ->select('posts.id') // fetch just post ID
    ->join('users', 'posts.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
    ->where('users.id', ...) // if you want to get posts only for particular user
    ->pluck('id'); // results in array of ids instead of array of objects with id property

In order for it to work you need to add use DB; in the same file.

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