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Calling function with phantomjs gives different result than calling from console

I'm trying to get NBA player stats from this page . There is a UI button that allows you to convert the data tables to csv, and I'm trying to automate this process. Under the hood, it's calling the function get_csv_output() .

In the inspector console, get_csv_output("per_game") and get_csv_output("advanced") outputs the #per_game and #advanced tables, respectively, in csv format.

However, when I try calling the get_csv_output() function using phantom.js, it only fetches the csv data for the "per_game" table, but doesn't work for the "advanced" table.

var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open('http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/a/abdulka01.html', function() {
    var result = page.evaluate(function() {
     return get_csv_output("per_game");

The output of this is the per_game table in csv format as expected. However, when I try changing it to get_csv_output("advanced") ,

the output is Converting from PRE-Formatted to CSV does not work, please <span class=tooltip onClick="window.location.reload()">Reload</span> and then click CSV

I tried providing some of the other table ids as input, and per_game appears to be the only one that works.

The problem is solved, now it works:

function on_init (page){
page.viewportSize = {width:1600,height:900}
page.evaluate(function (){
window.screen = {width:1600,height:900,availWidth:1600,availHeight:900};
window.innerWidth=1600;  window.innerHeight=900;   window.outerWidth=1600;  window.outerHeight=900;
window.navigator = {
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appCodeName: "Mozilla",
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geolocation: {getCurrentPosition: function getCurrentPosition(){},watchPosition: function watchPosition(){},clearWatch: function clearWatch(){}},
javaEnabled: function javaEnabled(){return 0} };});};
var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open('http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/a/abdulka01.html', function() {
    var result = page.evaluate(function() {
     return get_csv_output("advanced");

./phantomjs test.js >>/dev/stdout

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