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yii2: How to load relative path,action,view … in module

I'm just start working with Yii2.

------------- Problem number 1: load view error ----------------- I have a Site module with SiteController and it's views.


It show error: the view ROOT_PATH/views/site/index.php not found (note: ROOT_PATH is driectory in my local).

In init() function in the ROOT_PATH\\modules\\Site\\Module.php file: i added statement to test: echo $this->getViewPath();

Result: ROOT_PATH\\modules\\Site\\views

I want to ask : why it do not load index.php in /modules/Site/views folder ??? (It load index.php in ROOT_PATH\\views folder so it not found that view file)

------------- Problem number 2: Load action error --------------

When i add to ROOT_PATH\\modules\\Site\\Module.php file: Yii::$app->setLayoutPath($this->getLayoutPath()); Now it can load correct view for actionIndex. But links this view do not working:

$menuItems = [
    ['label' => 'About', 'url' => ['/site/about']]

Html is generaated on Front-End:

<a href="/site/about">About</a>

Why href is '/site/about' , i want this value will be "site/site/about"

to call 'about' link you have to create about.php in views/site and create a function which name must be actionAbout() in sitecontroller

in sitecontroller

public function actionAboute()

in index.php

<?= Html::a('About', ['value'=>Url::to('index.php?r=site/about')]) ?>

and for load view problem check your config file and cookieValidationKey once.

All Modules search for the view templates in their module path. So if you have a module named "site" and inside the module a controller named "SiteController" it searches the view in the folder



If you directly have the controllers in your application in \\controllers the viewpath will be



a Link in the view which starts with / always starts from the root. in your case you just need ['about'] to link to the same controller (and same module).

if you link to a controller in a another module you also have to give the module name which is also in your case site .

['/site/site/about'] would also link to your site controller in your site module. But as i mentioned above if you want to link to the same controller in the same module it isn't needed.

You can find the guide about routing and URL creation here:


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