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Nsubstitute: Mocking an object Parameter for Unit Testing

I am fairly new to Nsubstitute and unit testing. I know that in unit testing, you don't care about any other dependencies. So in order for this rule to be applied we mock units.

I have this example to be tested code where a method has an object parameter:

class dependency {
  public int A;
  public dependency() {
    // algorithms going on ...
    A = algorithm_output;

class toTest {
  public int Xa;
  public void Foo(dependency dep_input){
    Xa = dep_input.A;
    // Xa will be used in an algorithm ...

I was thinking of mocking the constructor but I could not figure out how in Nsubstitute. So ultimately, how would I test this?

I can not add a comment because it is too long, so I add an answer: if you want to test Foo you do not need to mock the ctor but dep_input . For example if you use Moq . But you can also use a stub

public interface IDependency
    int A { get; }

public class Dependency : IDependency
    public int A { get; private set; }

    public Dependency()
        // algorithms going on ...
        A = algorithm_output();

    private static int algorithm_output()
        return 42;

public class ToTest
    public int Xa;

    public void Foo(IDependency dep_input)
        Xa = dep_input.A;
        // Xa will be used in an algorithm ...

public class TestClass
    public void TestWithMoq()
        var dependecyMock = new Mock<IDependency>();
        dependecyMock.Setup(d => d.A).Returns(23);

        var toTest = new ToTest();

        Assert.AreEqual(23, toTest.Xa);
        dependecyMock.Verify(d => d.A, Times.Once);

    public void TestWithStub()
        var dependecyStub = new DependencyTest();

        var toTest = new ToTest();

        Assert.AreEqual(23, toTest.Xa);

    internal class DependencyTest : IDependency
        public int A
                return 23;

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