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asp.net - Access public class in Masterpage from child page

I'm trying to access a public class in my MasterPage code file from a child page but cannot get it working. I've tried to use the same method as accessing a public int as follows but the child page doesn't recognise any of the class items.


private int _Section;
public int  Section
    get{return _Section;}
    set{_Section = value;}

public class HeaderPanel
    private bool _Visible = true;
    public bool Visible
        get { return _Visible; }
        set { _Visible = value; }

    private string _Theme;
    public string Theme
        get { return _Theme; }
        set { _Theme = value; }

    public HeaderPanel(bool Visible, string Theme)
        this.Visible = Visible;
        this.Theme = Theme;


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Master.Section = 1; // This works
    Master.HeaderPanel.Visible = true; // This doesn't work
    Master.HeaderPanel.Theme = "Dark"; // This doesn't work       


The error message I get is:
'HeaderPanel': cannot reference a type through an expression

Master.Section = 1;

This works because Master is a property on Default and that property is an instance of MasterPage . You are simply setting the Section value on that instance.

Master.HeaderPanel.Visible = true;

This doesn't work because, while Master is still the same instance, HeaderPanel is a type and not an instance of anything. So you're trying to set Visible statically on that type.

If you meant for it to be static , make it static :

private static bool _Visible = true;
public static bool Visible
    get { return _Visible; }
    set { _Visible = value; }

And access it via the type and not the instance:

MasterPage.HeaderPanel.Visible = true;

If, on the other hand (and possibly more likely?), you did not mean for it to be static , then you need an instance of the HeaderPanel type on a MasterPage instance. So in MasterPage you'd create a property for that:

private HeaderPanel _header = new HeaderPanel();
public HeaderPanel Header
    get { return _header; }
    set { _header = value; }

Then you could access it through that property:

Master.Header.Visible = true;
private int _Section;
public int  Section
    get{return _Section;}
    set{_Section = value;}
//define your header panel as property 
public HeaderPanel Header {Get;Set;}

then you can use it as below

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Master.Section = 1; // This works
    Master.Header.Visible = true; 
    Master.Header.Theme = "Dark";       

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