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Give className to the matched element in forEach loop with React.js

Guys i have a random word in my example and i am spliting that random word's letters to spans.

Then i check if there is specific letter in that word and use forEach loop to achieve this. This is my function;

   var val = e.currentTarget.textContent;
    this.state.letters.forEach(function(letter) {
     if (letter === val) {
     alert("There is 'r' letter in the word.")
     e.target.className = 'clicked';

I can give class e.target but can't give class the matched letter in forEach loop.

How can i make it?

Thanks in advance.


I changed your for-loop definition into a for of loop, to make it more clear for the eye.

        var val = e.currentTarget.textContent;

        for (let letter of this.state.letters) {
            if (letter === val) 
                e.target.className = 'clicked';
                letter.className = 'foundedLetter'

This piece of code should work, unless if the letter variable you wanna give a className to is NOT a string character.

Make sure you rendered the spans as well. you could also look at this.refs and at a reference at your span. with this you can get the DOMElement and set a className to it. I will show you how to use refs to get DOMelements:

 var MyCom = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {
      random: 'lorem',
      letter: ''
   var s = this.state.random;
   for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
   var val = e.currentTarget.textContent;
   var _this = this;
    this.state.letters.forEach(function(letter) {
     if (letter === val) {
     alert("There is 'r' letter in the word.")
     console.log(letter, val);
     e.target.className = 'clicked';
     _this.setState({letter: letter})
  render: function() {
    return (
      <p>The word is: <strong>{this.state.random}</strong></p>
      <p>Click the button first then click the r letter below</p>
        <button onClick={this.splitLetter}>Split letter</button>
        <p>Click on: <strong><span onClick={this.getLetter}>r</span></strong></p>
  return (
         <span className={item == this.state.letter ? 'foundedLetter' : ''}>{item}</span>  
    },this) /*added this to map function  */


for example: console.log(this.state.letters)

< span > H < /span > --> this you can give className

H --> this you cant give className

If I understand correctly, when the letter to match is 'r' , you want the r in 'lorem' (spelled downwards with line-breaks between each letter) to have a special className. To do that you should selectively set a className in the render method using curly braces and JS-code:

{this.state.letters.map(function(item) {
    return (
        <div className={item === 'r' ? 'selected-letter' : ''}>

or the same thing using an arrow function.

{this.state.letters.map((item) =>
    <div className={item === 'r' ? 'selected-letter' : ''}>

Here it is in a fiddle .

Of course, if you want to let the user select letter to match against, then it should be in the component state: fiddle .

{this.state.letters.map((item) =>
    <div className={item === this.state.letterToMatch ? 'selected-letter' : ''}>


Fiddle where you can select which letter to highlight as well.

onLetterSelected: function(e) {
        letterToMatch: e.currentTarget.textContent

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